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Holy Monastery of Agia Paraskevi

Holy Monastery of Agia Paraskevi

Holy Monastery of Agia Paraskevi is located two km from the village of Domiros and five km from the foot of Mount Pangaio, in a picturesque location, south of Serres.

When and how it was founded is unknown, however it is considered one of the oldest monasteries in Greece. According to one theory, it is assumed, given that the documents and codices of the Monastery were destroyed by various conquerors, that this monastery used to belong to the Virgin Mary Eikosifoinissa Holy Convent.Holy Monastery of Agia Paraskevi is the first female monastery in Macedonia. It has deep roots with the center of Orthodox Monasticism, Mount Athos. In a calendar of the Monastery of Iberon, it is mentioned that in 1345 the King of Serbia Stefanos Dusan ratified the Monastery in the Monastery of Iberon. Until then, the Monastery was male only and had many Monks occupying it.

In the year 1924, with the eradication of Pontos, six Nuns from the holy monastery of Saint John the forerunner in Imavra of Pontos came to the Monastery. The Monastery was completely in ruins. All that was there was the temple building and some graven images. The Nuns brought to the new homeland what they could carry from the wealth of the relics of the Holy Monastery of the forerunner (most of the icons of the iconostasis, Holy vessels, Gospels, Holy Relics, etc.) From there, the Monastery began to be rebuilt. It has its current form thanks to the superhuman efforts of the current Abbess, who since 1988 has turned the Monastery into a real construction site. Today, eleven Nuns live in the Monastery, engaged in chirstian art, handiwork, etc.