Καλωσήρθατε στο AlldayGreece

Holy Monastery of the Ascension

Holy Monastery of the Ascension

7 km away from the Community of Proti and at an altitude of 930 m, on Mount Pangaio with a panoramic view of the plain of the prefecture, is the monastery of “Divine Ascension”, with its long history. Every believer can easily visit and admire it, since it is only 7 km from Proti and has access road.

It is considered to be an old share of the Virgin Mary Eikosifoinissa Holy Convent. It was reconstituted in 1979 in the same place, where, since the 18th century, was the homonymous, but male only, monastery. The offer of the Monastery to the Christians of the region is great. This was the reason for the repeated attacks by the Turkish and Bulgarian conquerors. It suffered the biggest damages during the attacks in 1913, 1917 and 1944.

The katholikon of the Monastery is a rare cruciform rotunda, built in the style of the Holy Ascension of the Mount of Olives located in the Holy Land. The holy relics of Saint John Chrysostom and Arsenios the Cappadocian are kept in the Monastery.

There is a Guest House only available for organized groups. Today the Monastery has twenty nuns, who are engaged in christian art, christian sewing, gold embroidery, pyrography and candle making. The celebration by the monastery is 40 days after Easter.